Encouraging participation and widening knowledge of geology in the North East of England since 1971

The 2024 /25 Winter Lecture programme is now being organised on a hybrid system ...
Post Covid19, and the use of Zoom for meetings, it was found useful to retain Zoom with both its' advantages and disadvantages. The main disadvantage was the lack of actual contact and physical presence; the advantage is that we can have visiting speakers from literally anywhere in the world, enabling up to date research and practice from USA, South Africa and other UK universities to be presented. Some of our past Zoom talks can be found on our youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/@jameshutton9695
The 2024/25 Lecture Programme will use a mixed format - some Zoom, some Face-to-face. Click the button for details.
The 2025 Summer Programme: this is currently awaiting final confirmations. click the 'Next Field Trip button.
Field trips are normally only open to members. Potential new members may attend lectures (face-to-face or zoom) to see how things work. Membership is basically £20 per year, with reductions available for students and two members at one address.
Further information, interesting items of news, and updates may also be found on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/northeasterngeolsoc
Other Useful Links
Details of meetings of regional neighbour organisation the Yorkshire Geological Society are available on their site at http://yorksgeolsoc.org.uk
Another related organisation the Cumberland Geological Society, whose aims and methods of operating are similar to our own - may be of interest to members in the west of our area.
See https://www.cumberland-geol-soc.org.uk/
Another potentially useful link for our younger members .
Link discovered by a young enthusiast, details provided by the U.S. Career Institute:-
Two useful Field Guides (Northumbria and Yorkshire) have recently been made available in digital form on the BGS site.
See our Local Geology page for details and links
Welcome to the
North East Geological Society
This front page is here to provide links to local geological information and to our activities, and to activities of other related organisations when we are aware of them.
Click the icon below to open the latest NEGS newsletter.