Encouraging participation and widening knowledge of geology in the North East of England since 1971
Constitution of The North Eastern Geological Society
The name of the Society shall be THE NORTH EASTERN GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The initials NEGS may be used when referring to the Society on internal documents.
2. AIM
The aim of the Society is to promote knowledge of and interest in any aspect of earth science.
(1) Hold regular indoor meetings that are addressed by persons of knowledge and experience in any aspect of earth science,
(2) Hold outdoor meetings (Field Trips) to visit and study places of earth science interest,
(3) Publish an occasional bulletin that reports on the Society’s activities, individual member’s activities in any aspect of geology, and local and topical news items that relate to the primary objective,
(4) Encourage individual earth science research or field studies.
4.1 All persons who support the Aim and objectives of NEGS shall be admitted to membership provided that:-
(1) they agree to abide by the constitution, and
(2) they complete a membership form and pay the appropriate membership subscription,
(3) their application for membership is approved by the Committee.
4.2 The Society may invite a person of distinction in the sphere of the Earth Sciences to become the Honorary President.
4.3 The Society may invite persons who have made an outstanding contribution to the Society to become Honorary Members.
5.1 The management of the Society shall be devolved to a Committee elected from the membership. The Committee shall be responsible for the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of the Society in order to comply with the Aim and Objectives.
5.2 The Committee shall comprise at least five and not more than twelve members of the Society.
5.3 Four members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.
5.4 No members shall normally serve as an elected member of the Committee in a designated post for more than three consecutive years.
5.5 The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Society.
5.6 The members of the Committee shall hold office until the first meeting of the Committee following the AGM.
5.7 The Committee may co-opt any member of the Society (with their consent) to join the Committee subject to 4.2.
5.8 The Committee shall nominate from its membership a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The list of nominations shall be sent to all members with the notice calling the AGM. Fee paying members may make nominations (proposed and seconded). These should be in writing and sent to the Secretary not later than three days before the meeting.
5.9 The Secretary shall keep minutes of the Committee meetings.
6.1 The financial year of the Society shall commence on 1 February.
6.2 The Committee shall convene an Annual General meeting within two calendar months of the end of the financial year for the accomplishment of the following business:-
(a) to receive the annual report of the Chairperson,
(b) to receive and approve the annual report of the Treasurer and to set the amount of the annual membership subscription,
(c) to receive the report of any Officer,
(d) to elect the Committee,
(e )to discuss any matter raised by any member.
6.3 Subject to the approval of the Chairperson, any relevant business of the Society may be raised and discussed at any Ordinary meeting.
​6.4 The Secretary shall keep minutes of the AGM and of any business matters discussed at Ordinary meetings.
6.5 The Secretary shall give members at least fourteen days notice in writing of the agenda of the AGM.
6.6 Except as required by Sections 8 and 9, simple majority voting shall apply at any meeting. The Chairperson of the Meeting shall have a casting vote.
6.7 In the absence of the Chairperson at any Committee, Ordinary or Annual General Meeting the Committee members present shall elect a Chairperson.
7.1 The income and assets of the Society shall be applied solely towards the objectives listed in section 3.
7.2 No portion of any moneys or assets of the Society shall be paid or transferred to any member of the Society other than in repayment of expenses incurred in the discharge of the work of the Society that has been done with the approval of the Committee.
7.3 The Treasurer shall keep accounts of all moneys received and expended on behalf of the Society, and shall present a verified Statement of these accounts to the AGM.
7.4 Subscriptions shall become due immediately after the AGM. There shall be the following categories of payment:-
(a) Full, i.e. the amount set by the AGM.
(b) Student members of Durham University Earth Science Department will be offered membership without charge
(c) Persons who are unwaged or largely dependent on State Retirement Pension shall pay 50% of the full rate.
(d) Postal members, i.e. persons who cannot normally attend indoor meetings but who wish to remain associated with the Society, shall pay 30% of the full rate.
(e) Family membership, at a subscription of 50% of the full rate, shall be available to persons residing at the same address as a full member. Only one copy of mailed items need be sent to this address.
7.5 Two members of the Society shall be appointed prior to the AGM to check the accuracy of the accounts for the preceding year.
The Committee is empowered to deal with any matters relating to the activities of the Society that are not provided for in this Constitution and that do not require the amendment of the Constitution.
9.1 The provisions of this Constitution may only be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting at an AGM, and at no other time.
9.2 Any member who wishes to have the Constitution amended shall inform the Secretary in writing at least twenty eight days before the date of the AGM.
10.1 The Society may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by three-quarters majority vote of the members present and voting at an Ordinary or Annual General Meeting.
10.2 If any assets remain after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, they shall be transferred to such charitable geological institution as the Meeting shall decide.
The above wording was agreed at the meeting of the North Eastern Geological Society at Durham on 20 March 1992.
It was amended:
(item 6.4 (e)) at the AGM on 19 March 1993, and amended
(item 5.1) at the AGM on 15 March 1996, and amended
(items 2, 4.9, 3.2 and 3.3) at the AGM on 21 March 1997, and amended
(items 5.2, 6.3, and 6.5) at the AGM on 20 March 1998.
(Item 2 added, and this then altered the numbering throughout and (new) thus items 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 4.1 reworded to meet the ‘Objectives’ definition. Items 5.4, 5.8, 7.1, 7.4(b), 7.5 amended. The word Chairman was changed to Chairperson throughout) at the AGM on 20 March 2015.