Encouraging participation and widening knowledge of geology in the North East of England since 1971
The society arranges outdoor field trips in the summer to various localities in the North East and further afield. The field trips are led by experienced geologists, some of whom are members of the society. They take place on Saturday or Sundays. Occasionally, longer excursions, for example to the Lake District, are organised.
Field Meetings and Events
This page shows future field meetings run by NEGS and events we are informed of by other local societies. NEGS members are welcome to attend, but please check with their own websites for up-to-date details or cancellations etc.
Natural History Society of Northumbria - Geology Section (Info...)
North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers (Info...)
Open University Geological Society - Northumbria Branch (Info...)

Can you please notify negsec@gmail.com of 'Intention to Attend' any NEGS Field Trip and Field Notes will be sent as/if available.
Forthcoming Field Trips
The 2018 series has now finished. Details of the plans for 2019 trips will be published as soon as they become available.