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The society arranges a series of lectures (given by professional or academic geologists) on geological or environmental topics in the winter months (October to March).  Once a year there is an event where members have the opportunity to give their own short talks or demonstrations to the rest of the society.




Lectures are held at 7.30pm in the Arthur Holmes Lecture Theatre which is located at the Durham University Science Site on South Road.  The lecture theatre is in the Department of Chemistry and is downstairs from the Porters Lodge.


Lectures are followed by tea and coffee to which all speakers, members and guests are cordially invited.


The March meeting is preceeded by the AGM, which lasts about 15 minutes.


The December and March meetings will be followed by cheese and wine.

!!  Feb 2018: Problem just discovered, beyond our control.  The map above actually shows the way to the Calman Lecture Theatre.  The Arthur Holmes Lecture Theatre is nearby.  Go 100 metres East, 60 metres North, in through red doors and downstairs one level.

Winter Lecture Programme

19th October 2018

Dr. Matthew Funnell  of Durham University:  "Cruising for ridges".


16th November 2018

Prof. Chris Greenwell of Durham University.  The title of this lecture has not yet been confirmed


14th December 2018

Members' Evening (Two or three short talks, usually by members or friends of the Society.

 1) Dr. Andy Lane:  Glimpses of Harz Geology - Familiar but Different

 2) Christine Taylor: Carboniferous Volcanism of the East Fife Coast


18th January 2019

Derek A. Tesdale (NEGS member):  "Modelling ice flow patterns across the NE using a Geographic Information System (GIS)"


15th February 2019

Dr. Antonio Capponi of Durham University:  "Bubbles in basaltic volcanic systems: insights from analogue experiments"


15th March, 2019

Prof. Claire Horwell of Durham University:  "Volcanic hazards"

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