Encouraging participation and widening knowledge of geology in the North East of England since 1971
Previous winter seasons lecture programmes
20th October, 2017
Dead bodies in the Sirius Pass, North Greenland: An early window on the Cambrian Explosion
Prof David Harper, Durham University
24th November, 2017
Prof. Jim McElwaine, Durham University
15th December, 2017
Members' evening
1. Paul Newton & Gordon Liddle. Some geological features in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
2. Christine Burridge. A story of volcanoes
3. Christine Taylor. A visit to the Derbyshire Carbonate Platform
19th January, 2018
Unlocking a volcanoes secrets through crystal specific studies
Dr. George Cooper, Durham University
16th February, 2018
What’s happening to the world’s largest ice sheet? Stability vs. instability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet.
Prof. Chris Stokes, Durham University
16th March, 2018
AGM followed by lecture on The Anthropocene
Professor Colin Waters, Univ. Leicester
21st October, 2016
Alex Peace, Durham University
Friday 16th Dec 2016
NEGS Members' evening
1. Paul Newton & Gordon Liddle
The Tertiary volcanics of southern France
2. Mavis Gill
Fri 20th January 2017
The Wilson Cycle in the North Atlantic
Dr. Christian Schiffer, Dept. Earth Sciences, Durham University
Saturday 28th Jan 2017
Joint NEGS / YGS Meeting
North Atlantic - from Origin to Energy
The North Atlantic: Exceptional, or the Rule?
Gillian R. Foulger and the North Atlantic Working Group
Dept Earth Sciences, Durham University, Durham, U.K
The Wilson Cycle Origin of the Jan Mayen Microplate
Christian Schiffer(1), Alex Peace(1) , Jordan Phethean(1) , Laurent Gernigon(2), Kenni Petersen(3), Ken McCaffrey(1), Gillian R. Foulger(1)
(1) Dept Earth Sciences, Durham University, Durham, U.K
(2) Norwegian Geological Survey (NGU), Trondheim, Norway
(3) Dept. of Geoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark
Arctic-Atlantic break-up stages, and their control on petroleum systems and resources
Prof. Tony Doré, Statoil
Two geophysical things from Europe (Scotland and Denmark) that tell us something about Iceland and the opening of the North Atlantic
Randell Stephenson, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland
17th February, 2017
Helium, it's a gas, gas, gas
Prof. Jon Gluyas, Durham University
17th March, 2017
The changing Earth: Monitoring changes in Earth structure using tomography
Dr. Najwa Mhana, Durham University
16th October, 2015
Dr. Ceri Nunn
Structure of Mt. Etna
20th November, 2015
Dr. Rick Smith (FWS Consultants)
The recent polyhalite discoveries in North Yorkshire
18th December, 2015
Members' evening
1. John Waring
From Deserts to Deltas
2. Les Barnes
The Isle of Purbeck; a geologist's paradise
3. NEGS Members Rock
Members favourites; what, where, why.
15th January, 2016
Dr. Edward Dempsey, Durham University
Minding your P’s & Qs’s: Using pyrite, pyrrhotite, quartz and quartzine to understand the origin of the North Pennines orefield
Dr. Dempsey has issued an apology for not being able to present this lecture, and has offered to do so in the next lecture season.
19th February, 2016
Dr. Brian Young, Durham University
Mapping it out: William Smith 200 years on
18th March, 2016
Prof. Mike Bentley, Durham University
Antarctic ice sheets and climate change
2014 -2015
October 2014
Prof. Andy Aplin, Durham University
A New Dawn for Shale: Oil, Gas and CO2 Storage
21st November 2014
Dr. Darren Grocke, Durham University
A Brief History of Stable Isotopes: from Kangaroos to Forensics to Botany and the Mesozoic
12th December 2014
Members' Evening
1. Gordon Wilkinson
Uluru and Kata Tjuta – the Geology of a Unique Area
2. Gordon Hull
People I've met on the Road from Stanley to Pangaea
3. Christine Taylor
Gullet Quarry in Gloucestershire
16th January 2015
Dr. John Nudds, Manchester University
Chinese Dinosaur Embryos
20th February 2015
Lesley Dunlop, Northumbria University
Chromite, Tungsten and Iron: Mineral Deposits and Mines in Portugal
20th March 2015
Prof. Chris Stokes, Durham University
Poles apart? Glaciers and Climate Change in the Arctic and Antarctic
2013 - 2014
18th October 2013
Dr. Stuart Dunning, Northumbria University
Icelandic Jökulhlaups
8th November 2013
Dr. Darren Grocke, Durham University
What Lies Beneath Us - A GeoSculpture at Durham University
13th December 2013
Members Evening
1. Gordon Wilkinson
Uluru and Kata Tjuta – the Geology of a Unique Area
2. John Waring
Rocks Under the Microscope
3. Christine Burridge
Peaks, Penguins and the Peninsula - Some Antarctic Observations
17th January 2014
Dr. Richard J. Brown, Durham University
Natural Born Killers: the Nature and Hazards of Pyroclastic Density Currents
21st February 2014
Prof. Jon Gluyas, Durham University
Getting into Hot Water: Exalting Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Opportunity in the UK
21st March 2014
Brian Young, Durham University
The Stones of Durham, (with particular reference to Durham Cathedral)
2012 - 2013
20th January 2012
Dr. Lisa Baldini, Durham University
Cave Calcite Deposits as Recorders of Palaeoclimate
17th February 2012
Prof. Philip Gibbard, University of Cambridge
The Last Glacial Cycle in Lowland England
16th March 2012
Dr. Mike Norry, University of Leicester
Shetland; the Evolution of Geology, Language and People
21st January 2011
Dr. Eva Panagiotakopulu, University of Edinburgh
Life on the Edge: The Biogeography of North Atlantic Insect Faunas
29th January 2011
Joint Meeting: N.E.G.S. with Y.G.S.
"The Big Picture- New Perspectives on Large-Scale Earth Processes".
a) Jeroen van Hunen, Durham University
A Lecture Relating to Mantle Processes and the Dynamics of Subduction
b) Tim Wright, University of Leeds
Witnessing the Birth of a New Ocean in Afar- Ethiopia
c) Colin Macpherson, Durham University
A Lecture on Arc Magmatism and Latest Interpretation of Volcanic Events in South Asia
d) Roger Searle, Durham University
Volcanism and Tectonism at Mid-Ocean Ridges: a New Look at Sea-Floor Spreading.
18th February 2011
Dr. Jeff Warburton, Durham University
River Trenching of the Wear Floodplain
18th March 2011
Prof. David M. Knight, Durham University
History of Geology
21st October 2011
Dr. Phil Manning, University of Manchester
Dinosaurs, Space Shuttles and Synchrotrons
18th November 2011
Dr. Rachel Wood, University of Edinburgh
The Dawn of Biomineralisation
16th December 2011
Prof. Richard Davies, Durham University
The Lusi Mud Volcano Disaster, Indonesia: Why and What Next?
24th September 2010
Dr. Bruce R. Julian, U.S. Geological Survey
The Grand Canyon
22nd October 2010
Ms. Sabina A.K. Michnowicz, Durham University
"Amazing and Portentous" an Account of Britain in the Wake of the 1783 - 1784 Laki Fissure Eruption
19th November 2010
Brian Young, British Geological Survey & Durham University
A Tale of Two Orefields
10th December 2010
Dr. Richard Collier, University of Leeds
Active Rift Margins: Structural Evolution and Sedimentary Response